Usually, the notion of technology is related with the usefulness. In that case, probably the most useful object is the mobile phone, because it’s got a lot of functions that the humans of our time need. But, if I have to choose, my favourite piece of technology would be the camera. I’ve been wondering about the memory and how fragile it is. Fragile because we forget almost everything that happens in the daily life, but also because sometimes we just need a tiny stimulus to recreate old memories. In my opinion, the photograph is an excellent way to do that. The camera helps me to remind how our streets were and how our faces have changed. It could be interpreted as a desperate act of trying to register everything. However, I think that’s impossible for the camera and for me.


  1. Is great that you like the photograph! take me a picture

  2. I really like the camera too! I did not think to write about it.


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