
Showing posts from May, 2017
Future Job If I have to talk about a future job, probably I should go back until the moment my parents decided that the education would be essential on my life. They knew what a job was since they were very young. There wasn’t time for school. There weren’t many reasons to go to the university. A lot of dreams were forgotten while they confronted the pressure of forming a family or the pressure of having enough money. On a first approach, I think that my parents thought the education was a good way of making money, as if that could solve everything. However, as the time has passed on, I realized there was a difference between them: my father always said to me ‘study this or study that’, whereas my mother told me that was my decision, especially when exists the possibility of be accompanied by the career for the rest of my life, so I wouldn’t be an easy choice. Well, that happened a long time ago, but it can help me a lot  if I have to imagine how an ideal job would be. After di
Music It’s strange. When I was a kid, I remember that my friends asked me several times about the music I liked, my favorite band, etc., and I always answered ‘I don’t know’. I can’t explain it very well. Maybe I just couldn’t find the feelings on it. However, little by little, the music started to arrive to my life. It came in forms of known melodies, but also with my own effort, because in those moments the music was a really interesting way to try to understand what’s the life about, just like the literature or the theater. At school, I just learned the flute, the drums and the metallophone. But that was a simply mark, I never played any instrument for real. The music, and every artistic discipline, needs perseverance. As I didn’t have it, I couldn’t feel what’s create music like. Because of that, I’m just an admirer, a listener of all kind of styles. Currently, the music is one of my favourite companions. And the greatest thing is that I don’t recognize her beginning or h
Usually, the notion of technology is related with the usefulness. In that case, probably the most useful object is the mobile phone, because it’s got a lot of functions that the humans of our time need. But, if I have to choose, my favourite piece of technology would be the camera. I’ve been wondering about the memory and how fragile it is. Fragile because we forget almost everything that happens in the daily life, but also because sometimes we just need a tiny stimulus to recreate old memories. In my opinion, the photograph is an excellent way to do that. The camera helps me to remind how our streets were and how our faces have changed. It could be interpreted as a desperate act of trying to register everything. However, I think that’s impossible for the camera and for me.
I don't know what's a right choice When I was a child, there was only soccer on my thoughts. For a long time, that was the story until my mother told me, when I was thirteen years old, that I had to decide between a career related with sports and the school. Then, I realize the soccer was just a hobbie, a good pretext to play with friends, to wear away the voice at the stadium, to give a hug to the family.  At secondary school, I didn’t know what to study. The options were, as time goes by, Kinesiology, Commercial Engineering, History teacher and Law (the final choice when I finished school). A few years later, I quit the Law studies. I wanted to be an actor, a film director, but I finally decided to study Psychology. I probably don’t know why, but here I’ve founded something I can’t describe. I believe it wasn’t an epiphany, rather has been gradual. I say this because I can recognize myself in each of those careers.